Virtual public consultation
Virtual public consultation
Drax Power Station is hosting a virtual public consultation on its proposed planning application for Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) Plant Demolition and Reconfiguration of Biomass Receipt, Handling and Storage Facilities.
The virtual consultation room can be accessed here. It will be available for viewing until the end of August 2020.
Once inside the room, drag your mouse or trackpad for a 360-degree experience and click on the information boards to read them.
The project
The project
Drax Power Station was originally designed and built by the Central Electricity Generation Board (CEGB) to use coal from the local coalfields in and around Selby.
As environmental legislation developed, more stringent limits were placed on the emissions from coal-fired power stations like Drax. In the late 1980s Drax installed sulphur dioxide (SO2) abatement technology, known as Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD).
Engineer looks up at FGD unit at Drax Power Station.
Drax moved towards co-firing of coal with sustainable biomass in the mid 2000s and then in the 2010s, full conversion of units 1, 2, 3 and 4 to run on compressed wood pellets. There is no longer a need to operate the FGD system. This is due to the minimal levels of sulphur in biomass fuels compared with coal, resulting in far lower emissions of SO2.
Units 5 and 6 – which remain on coal – are due to cease operating in March 2021. This means that the FGD system will become redundant as will much of the common plant which serves the system.
Drax will therefore apply to decommission and demolish much of the FGD system and re-purpose elements of the materials handling infrastructure which remains onsite.
Graphic showing FGD demolition and reconfiguration of biomass handling, receipt and storage at Drax Power Station
In addition to the FGD demolition, Drax is looking to expand its ability to receive and process biomass fuels by repurposing existing buildings as well as the rail system which serves the site.
Additional conveyors would be required to move the biomass from the processing areas to storage areas prior to entering the combustion units.
These two aspects of Drax’s future plans form the basis of the proposed development for which Drax will seek planning permission from Selby District Council in the near future.
The interactive presentation has been developed to allow the public to explore the proposals in greater depth and to understand the areas of the site which these proposals relate to.
6 August 2020 - Community views sought on Drax plans
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. What is Drax seeking planning permission for?
Drax has successfully converted two-thirds of its generating units from using coal to using sustainably sourced biomass to generate renewable electricity over the last decade.
The two remaining coal units at Drax will be turned off in March 2021, leaving behind some supporting infrastructure which will no longer be needed, including the plant’s Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) system. Drax is exploring options on how to manage obsolete infrastructure, and no final decision on how to do this has been taken by the company. This planning application would allow Drax to demolish the FGD system and to build additional biomass handling facilities at the power station.
Q2. When will Drax be making the planning application?
A full planning application will be submitted to Selby District Council in autumn 2020 by Drax following a consultation with the local community.
Q3. Who makes the decisions on the planning application?
Selby District Council will have the final decision on the planning application.
Q4. How long before the demolition starts?
If planning permission is granted, and if Drax decided to pursue the proposals, demolition could commence in early 2021.
Q5. How do I find and where can I see the application?
The application will be available to view electronically on Selby District Council’s planning portal website and can also be viewed in Drax’s virtual consultation room.
Q6. Are all the activities within the power station site?
Yes, the entire development for which the application is being made is all within the existing power station.
Q7. Will these demolition activities be noisy or dusty?
Activities which do generate noise will be identified and mitigated wherever possible if Drax decided to pursue these proposals. Drax has extensive experience of managing and mitigating activities at the power station which can generate dust.
Q8. Will there be explosives used to demolish the structures?
Currently there are no plans to use explosives in the demolition activities. If this changes, and Drax decided to progress these plans, then this will be communicated to the various Councils and Parish Councils to ensure the local community is informed.
Q9. Will I see any difference to the power station?
Yes, the proposed development results in the removal of the FGD buildings, these are large structures and their removal will change the view particularly from the west of the station. The biomass receipt and handling facilities will result in additional conveyors on the western side of the station interfacing with the limestone and gypsum facilities as well as driers and processing plant.
Q10. Will there be increased traffic on the roads/railway?
The material demolished on site will likely leave the power station by road. The project includes a waste management and segregation area where materials can be correctly separated ready to be recycled. Due to the reduction in activities from units 5 and 6 including the raw materials used in the FGD system, there will likely be an overall reduction in traffic movements following demolition of the FGD system.
Q11. How do I respond to the planning application?
Selby District Council will have a specific page on its planning portal where comments can be made.
If your questions are not answered either on this web page or within the virtual consultation room, please send the Drax project team a message via email.
You can find the document containing information about the application here.