Sustainable Development
At Drax, we believe that achieving a positive economic, social and environmental impact is key to delivering long-term value creation. We are committed to creating a business model where financial performance, value creation and sustainability outcomes are aligned.
Sustainable Development Framework
As our global footprint grows, we recognise the need for an ambitious plan shaped around the global sustainability agenda, whilst recognising our responsibilities to the local areas and communities where we operate. Our sustainable development framework defines three sustainability outcomes for the business, and aligns our objectives to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- Climate positive
- Nature positive
- People positive
The Board has ultimate responsibility for the Group’s sustainability performance and receives quarterly environment, social and governance updates from the CEO. The Executive Committee, chaired by the CEO, oversees performance.

Assurance Statements
We engaged LRQA Limited to provide limited assurance of select non-financial data points using the assurance standard ISAE 3000. A summary of the work performed is outlined in the full assurance statement.
View Assurance Statement (PDF)
We engaged Bureau Veritas Limited to provide limited assurance of our ‘average biomass supply chain greenhouse gas emissions’ data using the assurance standard ISAE 3000. A summary of the work performed is outlined in the full assurance statement.
View Assurance Statement (PDF)
Basis of Reporting
The Basis of Reporting outlines the methodology for Drax’s reporting of the select non-financial data points assured.