Progress Power planning consent extension

Progress Power Limited has been granted a ‘non-material change’ by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy on Monday 27th July 2020.

The decision means the expiry date for commencing the construction of the development permitted by the Progress Power (Gas Fired Power Station) Order has been extended by 12 months due to the uncertainties and constraints posed by COVID-19. No other changes were sought to the Order.

Copies of the application, the Secretary of State’s decision and accompanying documents, plans and maps are available for inspection here.

You can also view the application and its accompanying documents, plans and maps via the Planning Inspectorate’s website:

If you require a hard copy of the application and its accompanying documents, plans and maps, please contact Progress Power Limited at [email protected] or on 020 8392 8250.

Media contact:

Aidan Kerr
Drax Group Media Manager
E: [email protected]
T: 07849090368

Project contact:

Progress Power
E: [email protected]
T: +44 1757 618381