Restoring Brickmakers’ Wood

Haven Power employees have worked with the Eden-Rose Coppice Trust to help transform a woodland.

The Eden-Rose Coppice Trust is a woodland network that transforms urban environmental disasters into beautiful, natural high-biodiversity woodland settings for people living with a terminal illness. Haven Power has been supporting the Trust’s ambitious Brickmakers’ Wood project in Ipswich since April 2016.

Brickmakers’ Wood is a three-and-a-half-acre site that is being transformed into a peaceful space for cancer patients, disadvantaged children and people with mental or physical health problems and learning difficulties. Throughout 2017, up to 12 Haven Power employees spent time volunteering at the project each month. Volunteers contributed to the restoration of the site and relished getting their hands dirty; clearing rubbish and dense overgrowth, building new structures, creating an allotment and planting wild flowers.

Without Haven Power’s contribution, the charity founders would have had to undertake most of the work at Brickmakers’ Wood themselves. In their words: “The continual volunteering has transformed the project, so we are now two to three years ahead of where we would have been otherwise.”

The site is being transformed into a town centre oasis and has already been put to good use. The charity has run skills workshops for 12-16 year olds who have been excluded from school, encouraging them to learn about woodcraft and how to run a business.